Set Colds on Fire

Cold and flu symptoms are inconveniences of the winter season. Most people recover from respiratory illness without medical intervention, but we should address the root of the problem. Build up your immunity with God’s promises, prayer, and cayenne pepper.

What is Real Food? Exposing Degrees of Processing

A majority of the United States’ food supply is ultra-processed. Ultra-processed foods are formulations of food substances often modified by chemical processes and then assembled into ready-to-consume hyper-palatable food and drink products using cosmetic additives. Ultra-processing makes food products highly profitable, appealing and intrinsically unhealthy. Real food is fresh, nutritious, predominantly local, seasonal, grass-fed, as wild as possible, free of synthetic chemicals, whole or minimally processed, and ecologically diverse. God intends for mankind to eat whole, fresh, unprocessed food. He has provided us all we need to thrive in its optimal form.

Welcome to Fitness for Worship

Fitness for Worship was established to inspire people to live healthy and affliction free through fitness and a firm foundation in truth. Every person has a God-ordained right to be healthy, pain-free and fully satisfied.

Our mission is to inspire believers to live their lives according to God’s vision for them. God has promised us health, prosperity, salvation and satisfaction with the life he has given to us. Fitness for Worship presents God’s vision, the Truth, and inspires you to claim it for yourself.